Friday, April 3, 2020

Computer Architecture Taught Through Online

Computer Architecture Taught Through OnlineWhen a person is enrolled in a college, he or she will be required to take a computer architecture tutorial. This will provide the person with an introduction to the computer architecture and software available today. A computer architecture tutorial is also known as a software architecture tutorial or just simply as a computer architecture class. The tutor is the one who will teach the students how to program and how to use the programs that are available.It is not necessary to become a good computer architecture tutor just because you want to improve your program. One of the reasons why this form of study is so popular is because it gives people the chance to try out all kinds of programs and systems that they may not have previously used. With a tutoring session you will be taught what kind of application programs are available for certain business houses.Students will be able to check out the different types of software available on the internet, as well as check out the various web sites that offer programs for different kinds of purposes. Tutors have all the knowledge and experience about what programs are right for a particular purpose, therefore, if you really want to improve your program then you should definitely seek the advice of a computer architecture tutor.These tutors will provide their services either via online tutoring services or in person. There are a number of online computer architecture tutors that have emerged recently. You can find this type of teacher through a simple internet search.You can also go through a directory of tutors that may list the tutors and also the time when they will give their services. With the internet you will get the chance to see what other tutors are offering at various tutoring times, hence, you will be able to see whether you have anything in common with the tutor that you are interested in. It is also possible to check whether a particular tutor has any previous e xperience of providing services.In case you want to look for an online tutoring service, you will need to go through a directory of tutors. This will help you to find the right tutor that fits your requirements. This can make finding a tutor much easier and convenient.Tutoring services are available from tutors that offer self-teaching programs. They can also provide a free preview of their programs. All these options will help you make the best choice in the matter of which type of tutor to choose.

Monday, March 23, 2020

How to Address Harassment in the Workplace - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Address Harassment in the Workplace - Introvert Whisperer How to Address Harassment in the Workplace Sexual harassment is one of the most serious issues that affect the workplace. Sexual harassment has far-reaching consequences. Not only does it have legal ramifications when unaddressed, it makes the workplace unsafe and prevents businesses from operating at their best. For anyone in HR or management, it is essential to know how to address sexual harassment in the workplace, from prevention to addressing any issues that arise swiftly and ethically. Prevention An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure â€" that means your best defense against sexual harassment complaints is ongoing, thorough education. If your employees are well-versed on what constitutes sexual harassment and the consequences of harassing another employee, you can drastically cut back on unintended or uninformed instances of sexual harassment. Any employees tempted to harass another employee will be deterred by the consequences. Likewise, make sure your employees have outlets to speak out if they are experiencing harassment. Multiple methods of reporting help employees find the most comfortable way of reporting and addressing an extremely uncomfortable situation. Knowing that victims of harassment have a solid support network not only makes your employees feel safer, it deters any potential harassers. Investigate When you do get a report of sexual harassment you should investigate it immediately. In the world of #MeToo, it’s important that every sexual harassment complaint must be taken seriously, and handled with discretion. Whether the person being harassed has made a direct complaint to you, or you’ve caught wind of the potential harassment through rumors or reports from unaffiliated employees, you must investigate for the benefit of the employees and the company. Here are some steps for investigating the complaint: Take notes. You’ll need documentation of every step in the process when you come to your final decision. Some HR managers find a map of the complaint useful. Look into any previous interaction with HR in regards to everyone involved. Gather as much information as you can. Interview anyone who might have been party or witness to the harassment. Check into everyone’s stories using any sources possible, like security video or emails. Assure the complainant that they are safe from retaliation. Be compassionate and listen with care. Most victims of sexual harassment have a hard time coming forward; acknowledge that this is a difficult situation both in how you treat the complainant and handle the investigation. Be discreet. Give the accused the same consideration in terms of discretion and compassion. Don’t treat someone like they’re guilty until you are sure. Sometimes the issue is simply that the suspected harasser is behaving oddly and unaware that their behavior is outside the normal boundaries. Gauge the severity of the accusation. Was this a verbal assault? Was it physical? Does the complainant need medical care? Should the police be involved? Is there a safety issue for either party or the company? Do you need to take the victim to a hospital to see a doctor or get a rape kit? Considering the backlog of rape kits, how does this affect your investigation’s timeline? Do you need to report up the chain of command? Who needs to be involved in the investigation? Is there a liability issue? Do you need to get legal involved right away? Making a Decision After your investigation is complete, it’s time to determine what you believe to be the truth of the matter. Weigh all your information carefully and logically. If you’re uncertain, use any resources available to you to help make a decision, such as other members of HR or your supervisor. Once you’ve made your decision, determine a plan of action to address the issue. Do you need to put the offending employee on an action plan? Do they need to be terminated? Do you need to get the authorities involved? Depending on the seriousness of the issue, you might want to discuss your resolution with your legal department, to avoid the chance of your employee starting the sexual harassment lawsuit process, which begins after an unsatisfactory or negligent response to their complaint. In the end, the important thing is to make sure you, your employees, and your company are protected. Image Source:   Author Bio: Sam Bowman is freelance writer and introvert who enjoys getting to utilize the internet for community without actually having to leave his house. In his spare time he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore. Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Friday, March 6, 2020

What is a Geometric Shape

What is a Geometric Shape A geometric shape is a figure which is formed when different line segments are connected together. The lines forming the geometric shape become the sides of the shape and these sides form their respective angles. There are different kinds of geometric shapes and we can classify them based on the number of dimensions they have. For example geometric shapes consisting of 2-dimensions such as length and width are squares, rectangles, parallelograms etc. and shapes consisting of 3-dimensions are cylinders, cones, cubes, pyramids etc. Example 1: Find the area and perimeter of a square whose side length is 3m. Square is a 2-dimensional geometric shape and has 4 sides. The given square has side length, s = 3m Area of a square = side length * side length The area of square is = 3m * 3m = 9m2. The perimeter of a square = 4 * side length Hence, perimeter of the square = 4 * 3m = 12m. Therefore, area = 9m2 and perimeter = 12m. Example 2: What is the volume of the cube whose side measures 7m? A cube is a 3-dimensional geometric shape and has 12 sides. Given the side length of the cube, s = 7m Volume is the amount of space contained inside a cube. Volume of a cube, V = s3 Therefore volume of the given cube, V = (7m)3 This gives: Volume, V = 343m3 Therefore the volume of a cube whose side measures 7m is 343m3

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Male Vocal Ranges

Male Vocal Ranges What Are the Different Male Tessiture? ChaptersThe Different Types of Male VoiceFinding and Working on Your Voice Type“Those who wish to sing, always find a song.” - Swedish ProverbMusic is a popular pastime for many but for some, it’s also a job. Across the UK, over 2 million people sing regularly. Everyone has a different voice and they need to learn how to master it.It’s part of our life and who we are. Men and women tend to have different voices due to the size of their vocal cords.So what are the different types of voices? What are the differences between deep voices and high voices? What differentiates a bass from a tenor?In this article, we're going to look at the different types of male voice, the lower ranges and the higher ranges, how you can find out what your voice type is so that you can work on it, and why we classify voice types.Check for popular singing lessons near me here. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st les son free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Different Types of Male VoiceOur voices can be used for speaking but they can also be used for singing. Whether you’re a member of a choir, doing an opera, or singing in church on a Sunday, your voice is a tool that you should learn how to use and learn what works for it. Your voice is like a tool and you need to work out what it's like and what it can do. (Source: Pexels)Voices can be categorised and have been for a long time. In fact, there are many ways to categorise them. We’ll get to some of those in a bit.As for now, we’ll look at the main types of male voices.Deep VoicesThe deepest male vocal range is the bass voice. There are two main types of bass:Basso cantante, singing bass.Basso profondo, or low bass. This is quite a rare voice type.Famous basses include:Louis ArmstrongLeonard CohenBarry WhiteIke TurnerRay DavisAnd many others!The next vocal range after bass is baritone. This is quite a common voice type and is quite similar to many people’s spoken voice range.There’s also the baritone bass, which, as its name indicates, is lower than baritone but higher than bass. In general, this is usually the range of bad guys in operas, plays, and musicals.Higher Male Vocal RangesThe third type of voice is the tenor. This voice is less dramati c than the two previous types but it’s also more melodic. Luciano Pavarotti was probably the most famous tenor in recent history.Want to improve your vocals? Then, find some singing lessons to take here. Young boys will have a higher voice and this will deepen over time. (Source: Free-Photos)Again, there are two main subcategories of tenor:LeggeroLyric tenorThere’s also the countertenor, which corresponds to the contralto female voice.  While few men can reach these high notes (traditionally, castrati played these roles), this is a special type of voice.Countertenors need a special technique to vibrate their vocal cords in such a way. This vibration allows them to make beautiful gospel music and perform in musicals.The countertenors approach the vocal range of the female contralto voice. However, the male voice tends to have a different quality to the female voice.After all, it’s not just the range that defines a voice. For example, you can play the same note on a guitar and a piano but they won't sound the same. This is also true for people's voices; two different people singing the same note won't sound the same on account of their voice.Finding and Working on Your Voice TypeIn addition to your vocal range, your voice will have certain quality and there are a number of subcategories applied to voice types. However, unless you have perfect pitch, you might not know what kind of voice you have. Working out your voice type will help you pick the right types of songs to sing. (Source: Nadine_Em)If you find yourself between two common voice types, things can get a little complicated. For example, there’s a fine line between countertenor and tenor.Additionally, the classification of voices has become increasingly precise over time.Understanding the Different Types of Male VoiceBefore the 19th century, voices were only classified as either male or female. It was difficult to find a man who sang in a higher range, for example. Then, we started to classify male and female voices as either high or low, which then became tenor, baritone, bass, etc.At the start of the 19th century, even more classifications arose. There were dramatic voices, light voices, lyric voices, basso profondo, basso cantante, etc.  Finally, the idea of power came about and you could be an operetta baritone, a Wagnerian tenor, etc.The power of a man’s voice is as important as a woman's. It’s a cliché th at a man’s voice is deep and powerful. In fact, some male singers have very light voices and there’s a whole range of different voice types and qualities. While men can't be classified as having a mezzo-soprano voice, for example, they can learn more about their timbre and their voice, be it a tenor voice, bass-baritone voice, etc.Find out more about female voice types.How to Find Your VoiceIt’s never been easier to work out your voice type.Why?If you have a piano, keyboard, or even computer handy, you can work out your vocal range. You just need to play notes and see if you can hit them. You’ll get to a point where you can no longer hit the notes. Similarly, there are also books and websites to help you work out where your voice sits in terms of the traditional vocal ranges. In fact, there are even online tools and resources  for working out your voice type. Even within your vocal range, there are different vocal qualities. (Source: bones64)Knowing your voice type will help you find suitable songs that match your range and colour. This will help you improve more quickly and get ready for a concert, for example.  There’s such a wide range of male voices that the sooner you understand which one you’ve got, the quicker you can master it. There’s a huge difference between tenor and bass, after all.We all know that music can be soothing and knowing how to use your voice can make it even more soothing. No matter what voice type you have, you have to understand what your vocal cords are capable of. Your voice is your instrument, after all.It's over to you!You can also learn more about registers from a singing coach or tutor. They can even show you artists with the same tessitura as you. Again, a tutor can help you work out the best repertoire.  If you'd like to learn more about singing, consider getting help from one of the talented tutor s on Superprof. There are three main types of singing tutorial and voice coaching and each type has several advantages and disadvantages so what's right for one student may not be right for another.In face-to-face tutorials, there's just you and the tutor. This means that the tutor can focus on helping you to improve your voice and will put together a bespoke programme for you to follow. These are usually the most costly type of private tutorials since you're paying for all the tutor's time both in and out of class but they're also the most cost-effective.There are also online tutorials where the student is taught via webcam. With the tutor not having to travel to their lessons and being able to schedule more lessons per week, these tend to cost less per hour than face-to-face tutorials. Since the tutor isn't in the room there with you, these tutorials are better for academic subjects rather than vocational ones. If you both have a good microphone and a good internet connection, onl ine tutorials are a great option for those wanting to learn to sing on a budget.Finally, there are also tutors offering group tutorials. If you and a group of friends are interested in learning how to sing, you could hire a tutor together and divide the cost of the tutor's time. Of course, you won't get as much individual attention from your singing coach as you would in the other types of tutorials but you will pay less per hour per student.No matter which type of singing coach you go for, they'll be able to help you work out your voice type, plan lessons that can help you improve your voice, and suggest songs and activities that work best with your tessitura.Don't forget that many of the tutors on Superprof also offer free tuition for the first hour! Use this to try a few different tutors and see who you get along with.

Do These 4 Things to Start Preparing for the PreACT

Do These 4 Things to Start Preparing for the PreACT These days, things require a little more preparation than you might expect. While the PreACT in and of itself is preparation for the ACT, youll still need to think about preparing for the PreACT. When students choose to do this may vary from person to person, though there are some general guidelines to be aware of as you begin the process of working toward the PreACT. The truth is, the PreACT can provide great insight into how you may perform on the ACT, and it can help guide your study plan to your particular needs. Students who are better prepared generally feel more confident, which typically leads to higher and more accurate scoresso spend some time preparing! A few notes about the PreACT Before you begin preparing for any test, it is important to have a general understanding of what youre about to embark on. First, this test is designed for sophomores and will be available in the Fall of 2016. It will include the same sections as the ACT but will not offer the writing section (optional on the ACT). The PreACT is designed to familiarize students with the ACT and give them an idea of how they might expect to score on the ACTthink of it as the ACTs answer to the SATs PSAT. [RELATED: What is the PreACT?] Because you arent required to take the PreACT, it can be easy to dismiss it as unnecessary. However, the PreACT can offer very useful information as to where your strengths and weaknesses lie and how you can better tailor your prep to maximize success on the ACT. Now, on to how you should start preparing Pay attention in class While this is simple advice, it remains important. One of the best things you can do in preparation for the PreACT is to pay close attention to your coursework. Classes like English, social studies, math, and science focus on questions and ways of thinking that are common to the ACT, which makes them perfect preparation for the PreACT as well. Keep track of your progress As you prepare for and take the PreACT, it is important to record and monitor your progress. A particularly great thing the PreACT does for you is provide you with some clear direction for studying for the ACT. This way, youll know pretty early on if youre struggling more with math or need extra help in social studies. Keep track of whether or not your scores are improving to give you additional insight on the effectiveness of your study plan, allowing plenty of time to make adjustments. Take advantage of your resources If youd like to identify possible strengths and weaknesses before you take the PreACT, you may consider checking out for some test preparation resources they provide specific to the ACT (which by extension can help you prepare for the PreACT). It can prove to be quite a useful starting point if youre struggling. Dont be afraid to take advantage of other online learning tools, toothere are great practice problems and prep books available that can help you in preparing for the PreACT, such as ACT practice tests or the Varsity Tutors ACT Prep Book. Dont forget about the ACTs writing section While the PreACT doesnt have a writing section, youll want to be careful that, in your preparation, you dont forget the ACT still offers one. Though its irrelevant on the PreACT, youll still want to get in a few rounds of good writing practice incase you do decide to take the written portion of the ACTdoing so can pose great benefits in college applications. Build this into your PreACT schedule so that youre giving it the same attention. Some of your peers may choose not to study for the PreACT, but your best option is to treat it as you would the ACT. Study materials in advance, measure your progress, and be sure to analyze your results and adjust accordingly. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Online Volume Formula For a Cone Tutors

Online Volume Formula For a Cone Tutors A cone is a 3-dimensional solid geometric figure which has a circular base at the bottom. This base of the cone forms the curved surface of the cone till its topmost point known as the vertex. We can calculate the volume and the surface area of the cone using their respective formulas. Volume of a cone is the amount of space inside the cone and it depends on the factors such as the radius of the circular base and the height of the cone. Example 1: Find the volume of the cone whose height is 9m and the radius of its circular base is 5m. Given: radius, r = 5m Height of the cone, h = 9m Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * r2* h This gives: Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * 52 * 9 = 75 * = 235.6m3 Therefore, thevolume of the given cone is 235.6m3 Example 2: Find the volume of the cone whose height is 12m and the radius of its circular base is 6m. Given: radius, r = 6m Height of the cone, h = 12m Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * r2 * h This gives: Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * 62 * 12 = 144 * = 452.4m3 Therefore, the volume of the given cone is 452.4m3

Common Expressions with MAKE in the English Language

Common Expressions with MAKE in the English Language English Expressions are very popular and form an important part of our daily communication. There  seems to be one for every occasion and situation. Here are some phrases and common expressions with MAKE. MAKE as a verb in itself is a very simple and easy to use word. Make a mess, make a noise, don’t  make a mess, don’t make a noise and so on. These English expressions are a little more complicated. Lets look at their meanings and   also   some well used and understandable explanation. Common Expressions with MAKE 1. TO MAKE SENSE or IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE usually used when we want to give people some advice  or recommendation. Of course, the person is free to accept the advice or not as he wishes.For  example:1. It would make sense to take your laundry in the car with you. That way you can drop it off the dry cleaners on your way to work and save you another trip. 2.  It doesn’t make sense to go running on that injured ankle you will just make it worse. Why not rest it  for a few more days?2. TO MAKE IT EASY FOR when offering an opinion or some help you might find it useful to use this  expression.For example:1. The bosses should make it easy for the workers keep fit by installing a gym  or work out area in the basement there is plenty of room.2.Schools make it easy to learn these days all the homework is loaded on to a web page that can be accessed anywhere at any time.3. TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE whether we feel we are contributing to a situation or not we can use this expression to make our feelings known. So you can use it positively or negatively: will make a difference or won’t make a difference.For example:1. If we are the only family in the street recycling our rubbish will it really make a difference to the fight against pollution?2. It doesn’t make a difference what you tell them. If you park in a restricted area you will still get a ticket.4. TO MAKE A POINT OF when we want to emphasis something or highlight a situation we can use this expression.You can use TO MAKE A POINT OF in the following situations:1. To let the boss know that it was you who actually got the big new customer.Or2. You always call your sister on her birthday even though you live in different countries. You want her to know you have not forgotten.For example:1. When the boss announced the good news that we had received a really big order you made a point of telling him how much effort you took to get it over the line.2. I live in Spain and my sister now lives in America, I always make a point of calling her on her birthday so she knows I have not forgotten. Common Collocations with MAKE - Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: 5. MAKE OR BREAK we use this expression to underline the fact that the next few days or weeks or some event in the future will decide whether something succeeds or fails, lives or dies etc.For example:1. The business was going through a really bad time. The directors met every day to see what if any changes could be introduced to either cut costs or increase sales. The next quarter would be make or break for the company. If nothing has changed significantly the business will not survive.2. The animal had a very bad virus but the vet was unsure as to what type and therefore how to treat it. He thought the next few days would be make or break. Either the animal will recover or die.6. TO MAKE DO WITH we often use this expression when we have to accept something even though it is not our preferred option.For example:1. The children come home from school and as always they are very hungry. What is there to eat? I would love some fries or chips. Sorry, I do not have any until I go to the supermarket tomorrow. You will just have to make do with a cheese sandwich! 2. The team were winning the match 1-0 with only 7 minutes remaining. However, the opposition scored and equalised (drew level 1-1) and we had to make do with only 1 point instead of 3!7. MAKE TIME FOR We should always have time in our lives for the things that really matter or mean something to us.For example:1. James went to the doctor for his annual appointment. The doctor commented on the extra weight he had put on since the last check up. You will have to make time for more exercise in your schedule. It will be difficult to lose that extra weight in a few years.2. Michaels wife complained that all he did was play golf at the weekend. You should make time for me and the kids at the weekend.They will not be kids forever!8. MAKE THE MOST OF you will often hear this expression used when something or somebody is not going to be around with us for much longer.For example:1.Oh, it’s a glorious day outside . Let’s go to the beach. Yes, grab a picnic we should make the most of it. I hear it is supposed to rain at the weekend.2. You should visit the gym a few times a week. I hear its going to close in a few months so we should make the most of it while we can.Another verb in the English language that often gets confused with MAKE is DO. Let me clear up the confusion for you. Watch my short video lesson and learn the difference between DO and MAKE in English. How to use Do and Make in English? Increase your vocabulary in English: to drop it off to take it tosave you another trip avoid making another tripto get a ticket to get a fine or penaltyto underline the fact emphasis the factopposition other teamto put on weight to gain weightThese posts will help you learn more useful phrases and expressions and help you develop a rich vocabulary in English.If you would like to improve your English language speaking or writing skills dont forget to check out our English Skype lessons prices and contact us today.